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29JulUpdated Ammo for Escape From Tarkov
I’m very sorry that I’ve taken so long to update the ammo this wipe. I went off to spain and enjoyed life but now I’m back at it 🙂 enjoy the up to date information!
13DecAmmo is up to date for patch 12.12
Knock yourself out people!
Sadly, I had to remove the vendor information since it was completely out of date and it takes to much time to keep it up to date due to so many changes.
Bullet speed is also removed until I can re-gather all that info again
30JunEscape From Tarkov 12.11 patch notes
Here is the list of fixes in Escape from Tarkov patch 0.12.11.
Please note that this list does not include changes and new additions introduced in this patch. A full description of the patch will be published later.
- In some cases players wouldn’t spawn even after successful matching and would get back to the main menu.
- Totally silent movement of Shturman and his guards.
- The player hung on a blank screen after pressing the ”Back” button on the treatment screen after a raid.
- The progress of the ”Crafting” skill diverged between the client and the backend after production was completed.
- Inventory and animation of the player’s hands hung when the player tried to move a cartridge from the chamber of the weapon in his hands to a full stack of ammunition.
- The difference in the actions of the character when switching between pressing and holding the keys. Strong and weak grenade throws now work the same way: held down the key, thrown by releasing the key, and does not depend on the aiming settings.
- The mods locked behind a quest did not unlock on the purchase screen for presets even after completing the quest.
- The consumption rate of the air filter was higher than necessary.
- At the moment of the weapon assembly in the presets menu – the separate weapon mod would be applied to the gun even if the gun already had such a mod on it.
- The production timer in the hideout, which has been partially cropped.
- The library did not speed up the ”Crafting” and ”Hideout management” skills.
- Bolt-catch animations would be replaced with a charging handle loading one.
- Hits on the neck protection worsened the condition of the helmet itself, not the condition of the neck protection.
- Saiga 12 and PP-9 Klin stocks would get folded together with a quick drop of the backpack.
- Inventory and animation of the player’s hands hung if the player simultaneously opened the door with a key and threw a grenade.
- The transfer screen from scav layered onto the main menu screen after restarting the game on the transfer screen.
- The player could not go sideways through the doorway.
- Filters for food and medicine that did not work in the player’s stash.
- Quest ”The Punisher. Part 4.” which could be done without the scav vest.
- “Strength”, “Stamina”, and “Stealth” movement progress was not properly counted during the raid.
- Weapon mastering progress was not properly counted during the raid.
- Character’s empty hand animation at a distance.
- The player with empty hands could not drop the backpack.
- Incorrect sensitivity on the mechanical sight on the ACOG.
- The remaining generator runtime counter was not synchronized between the fuel canisters and the generator itself.
- The observer was not able to see the grenade in the dropped backpack if the player put it in the backpack right out of his hands.
- The observer did not see the grenade that the player put on the ground right out of his hands.
- The sorting of lots by time of removal on the flea market did not work.
- The reticle on the MRS sight was placed below the alignment on the Vector and UMP.
- Breath sounds were not played if the player used up stamina with the Kiver visor down.
- Player would go to crouch position when trying to hide quest items from prone position.
- Changing the ”Shadow visibility” setting was not applied during the raid.
- Hanging animation of the player’s hands after reconnecting to the server at the moment of throwing a grenade.
- The ”Apply” button on the treatment screen after a raid was active even when no treatment type was selected.
- Player wouldn’t get out of ADS mode when chamber-loading the gun.
- Medkits that removed the negative effect from a non-priority limb and left the priority limb untreated.
- Hands freeze when reloading some weapons via the context menu.
- Commission for putting a cultist knife with an incomplete supply of poison to the flea market.
- Discrete shadow movement from distant objects on high settings.
- Ability to load weapons with unexamined ammunition.
- The edit pocket map marker window did not close after loading into the raid.
- The lamp did not break for other players if you break it with a melee weapon.
- Unable to fill items by drag and drop when purchasing from a merchant.
- Game freeze when equipping an item from the letter during the transfer of items through the ”get everything” button.
- The aiming magnification is not switched when re-installing the optical sight with the additional reflex sight.
- Change the icon of the position of the character, when you open the inventory while prone.
- Correcting the effects of light sources (flicker, glare).
- Abrupt change of the weapon model in the hands of a character when switching to another weapon.
- Inaccessibility of loot on the shelf, in the red room.
- Various audio fixes.
- Fixes for various problems related to the use of weapons and equipment.
- Fixes for various errors in trade and merchant services.
- Minor fixes to character stats.
- Fixes for various problems and exploits on locations.
- Fixes for some audio issues.
- Some graphics fixes and improvements.
- Some server bug fixes.
- Fixes for some backend issues.
- Fixes for some game interface elements.
- Some bug fixes in localization.
- Fixes for some bugs in offline raids.
- Physics optimization.
- Various graphics optimizations.
- Various server optimizations.
4MayQuest item updates
I didn’t like my own solution on the quest items list. Mostly because I just printed out a long list and just let people search for it 😛
It’s now printed on a table instead and a smooth search on it. It’s also updated with amount of items and such
30Mar12.10 is live and ammo ballistics are up to date
The ammo page is up to date. Some small changes to shotgun ammo but mainly the three new ammo types.
You can read the patch notes below
- New voices for scav bosses (Reshala, Sanitar and Gluhar)
- New actions and conditions of Scavs and sounds for them
- New clothing for USEC, BEAR and Scavs
- New equipment
- Chest rig Azimuth SS Zhuk (SURPAT)
- Chest rig Azimuth SS Zhuk (Black)
- Tactical sling Hazard4 Takedown (multicam)
- Tactical sling Hazard4 Takedown
- Hunting vest Umka М33-SET1
- Chest rig CSA
- LBT 6094A Slick Plate Carrier (olive)
- LBT 6094A Slick Plate Carrier (tan)
- Backpack Eberlestock G2 Gunslinger II (dry earth)
- Ballistic glasses NPP Condor (with additional armor protection for eyes)
- Active headset Opsmen Earmor M32
- GP-7 gas mask
- Army cap in several variations of colors and camouflage
New items
- Emergency water ration
- Hemostatic tourniquet CAT
- AFAK personal tactical first aid kit
- New ammo
- 7.62×39 mm MAI AP
- 5.56×45 mm SSA AP
- 5.56×45 mm Mk 318 Mod 0 (SOST)
- STM-9 pistol caliber carbine
- PL-15 pistol
- New gun parts
- UVSR Taiga-1 Special melee/tool
- New barter items
- TP-200 TNT brick
- Ratchet wrench
- Can of thermite
- New filter for the stash ”items found in raid”
- Sorting of quests by current location
- The message ”Item already purchased” has been moved to notification
- When you double-tap the ”voiceline” key, aggressive phrases will be played (as in combat)
- When placing a new offer, the item selection window appears to the left
- Experience category icons on the post-raid screen
- The Steam Audio option is back after fixes
- Thermal imaging rendering system
- The loot is no longer highlighted
- The new system will allow further dynamic temperature changes (heating, cooling)
- Optimizations for improved performance when using a thermal imager or thermal imaging sights
- The Fence’s offers are no longer displayed in the flea market
- Rain sound is now 30% quieter
- Reduced Strength and Endurance bonuses
- Adjusted player spawns on Customs
- Increased ”Hideout Management” levelling speed if ”Solar Batteries” block is built
- Simplified the Attention skill progression
- Simplified the Mag drills skill progression
- Missing items from the Scav after the end of a raid, if at this point there was a game update or the backend was unavailable for other reasons
- High volume breathing of some BEAR and USEС voices
- One of the bugs with grenades explosion without sound and explosion effect
- The lightning issue when spawning on Interchange
- Empty quick healing screen
- Error 228, if filter end while crafting purified water
- Resetting the progress of the ”Mag drills” skill after leaving a raid
- Inability to load into the game if you take in a raid a lot of maps with tags
- Reset the selected character customization lower to the standard
- Car extract sometimes failed to trigger at the end of the exfil timer
- Difference in the time flow of the Hideout generator
- Playing the sound of a distant gunshot while the shooter is in close proximity to the player
- Bots not spawning in the Factory offline in Horde mode
- Various places on locations where it rained indoors
- Ability to save the preset if there are critical parts missing on it
- The player received an outdated invitation to the group after restarting the client
- Missing shadows on Factory after the reconnect
- Currency conversion error in the client (when exchanging currencies on the client, the resulting amount was shown slightly less than necessary)
- Availability of container sorting on screens where it should not be
- Examining an item on the Scav’s item transfer screen did not work if the item is on the Scav
- Sounds of falling casings and ricochets of bullets were audible for players in the bunker from outside the area on the Reserve location
- Inability to insure a Cultist knife
- Lack of localization of firing mode in a raid
- Looking for notes in a player’s profile
- Various minor adjustments to the locations
- Various minor bugs
- Various network errors
- Other errors (spamming errors, critical errors that cause crashes and disconnects, errors 228, etc.)
AI changes
- Bots on the move now shoot even less accurately than bots that are stationary.
- Changed the parameters of the effect of bushes on the visibility of bots (bots now see worse)
- Slowed down the reaction of normal bots when detecting the player
- Changed parameters of player tracking at the last point (bots follow the point less)
- The maximum enemy detection radius of bots has been reduced
- Bots now do not fire while changing position to prone
- Fixed bosses spawn when they could appear without guards
- Fixed behavior when the boss did not attack an enemy in offline mode
- Fixed sniper bots spawn
- Various server bugs related to bots
- Changes to the shader system
- Eliminates some of the freezes and micro freezes that were caused by shaders, at the beginning of a raid, during combat contact, and during visual effects
- Memory optimization
- Improved and corrected option in the Mip Streaming setting
- Significantly optimizes the consumption of video memory (for graphics cards with a large amount of VRAM) and RAM (for systems with a small amount of VRAM) in the game, which provides smoother rendering and reduces the number of micro freezes associated with loading textures
- Option is now available at any texture quality, not just for high settings
- Option is disabled by default.
- On low texture settings in raids, some item icons may be unclear when the mip-streaming option is enabled
- Changing the texture quality option and Mip Streaming is not available in online raids (because there may be a delay due to loading/unloading of textures), but is available in offline raids and in the menu
- For an efficient texture streaming system, it is highly desirable to place the Windows swap file on an SSD
10FebWoods Stash Map added
Just like the title says. Added a map for woods that shows where all the stashes are. Woods has really become an awesome map for easy loot. Perhaps not as high as Reserve and Interchange but by far more safe.
11JanUpdated ammo prices
Updated several popular ammunition prices. There might still be one here and there with some slightly wrong prices (few rubels) but the vast majority should be correct. If you find a price that is out of date, please don’t hesitate to contact me! Thanx u/Koda_20 for pointing out one of the errors.
27DecBallistics Ammo chart updated for 12.9
Huge thanx to the wiki and nofoodaftermidnight for their tremendous job! All the information on this ammo page is based upon their knowledge and information.
If you find something that seems to be wrong or not updated, please let me know so I can update it asap! Good luck on the wipe all!
27DecMain Woods map updated
Creds to Jindouz for creating this version of the new Woods expansion. I will be updating the other versions of the map, but keeping them atm since stashes are pretty much the same in the old part
19OctUpdated ammo for 12.8
7.62x25mm got a lot of changes to it’s penetration and also new ammo (23×75 mm) for the new gun.
16OctPreliminary patch notes for 12.8 patch!
- New skill ”Сrafting”
- New skill ”Hideout management”
- New special item Compass
- The new item which will allow player to easily identify directions (azimuth) by pressing U key. This item will be equipped in the new unlootable slot (which means no one will be able to take your compass)
- New type of bleeding – heavy bleeding
- may open with a lower chance than a normal bleeding. Heavy bleeding requires special treatment items to stop (also some medical kits have the property of stopping heavy bleeding). The character with heavy bleeding leaves traces of blood on the surfaces.
- New consumable items – Esmarch tourniquet, hemostatic syringe, kvass beverage
- Fast backpack dump
- the ability to quickly drop the backpack by double tapping the Z key
- New third version of voice for BEAR
- New faces and clothing for scavs
- Voices of bosses (Glukhar, Sanitar and Reshala)
- New character animations in the menu (on loading screen, in inventory, etc.).
New equipment:
- New clothes for USEC and BEAR (tops and lowers)
- New equipment (armored vest, chest rig, backpacks, headphones, helmets and berets)
New weapons and weapons parts:
- М45А1 Pistol
- KS-23 Shotgun
- RFB Rifle
- New mods for various weapons
Quality of Life changes:
- Redesigned the group gathering screen in the lobby. Now you can see the character models of the group members with nicknames.
- Added display of the object resource on the quick use panel
- For mods, weapons, items moved by the mouse (drag’n’drop), added highlight of weapons, slots and mods where they fit (green – can be placed inside, yellow – can be combined / installed)
- Option in the game settings – selection of the body parts color in the upper left UI element (a variant corresponding to the colors from the inventory on the ”Health” tab and the old variant – red monochrome)
- Options in the game settings to select the principle of displaying the combat interface elements (automatically hide or always show – quick access zone, endurance zone and the current stance and the current health state of body parts, all can be configured separately)
- Added an ammo loading menu in the context menu of magazines in the stash
- At the flea market, when buying more items than are left on sale, the remaining available quantity is bought
- Automatic sorting of character’s stash, any containers, backpacks, etc. by ”sort” button
- On the preset or customization screen, the characteristics of the weapon in the characteristics window now change when pointing to the mod to be installed
- In the kill list after the raid the field ”distance” (showing the distance of the fatal shot) was added.
- When you exit the game, we added a warning that the generator is on.
- Added a counter for ready items after crafting in the hideout in the lower menu
- At a flea market, current flea market filters are no longer applied to your list of offers and your wish list.
- Sorting goods by category is now reset when moving between merchants
- Width of scrollbar in the stash, merchants’ assortment increased
- Added a hot key to unload the chamber CTRL+R.
- Added a hot key to re-chamber ALT+R
- Sent friend requests can now be cancelled
- Added ”accept all invitations” button
- After death on the post-raid statistics screen, your character is now displayed in the equipment in which he was killed.
- If the weapon has no magazine and there is no cartridge in the chamber, then by pressing the reload, the cartridge is now charged into the chamber (if there is a bunch of rounds in the pockets or vest).
- Outside the raid, the stash can now be opened and closed by pressing the TAB hotkey.
- Added display of ”found in raid” status icon for canisters in the hideout generator area (if the canister is ”found in raid”)
- Now the ”Empty” button is displayed as the last item in the drop-down menu of the canister selection for the Generator
- Now the treatment at the therapist will be free of charge first 5 levels of character
- Iteration of animation system optimization
- Optimizing the work of AI on the server
- High Quality Color option (enabled by default, disabling can give a small performance gain at the expense of image quality)
- Different shader optimizations
AI improvements
- Added weapon swaying in bots movements
- Improved phrases for the attack by scav bots players
- The bots now respond to the player scav ”Follow me” gesture
- Fixed bot behavior in combat when its target is outside the door
- Fixed bug when Killa boss reacted incorrectly to smoke
- Improved automatic cover search system
- Fixed one of the bugs, from which a player scav could not become an enemy for raiders in reserve bunkers.
- Fixed one of the bugs that caused bots to pass through closed doors
- Bots now respond to the sound of approaching behind their backs
- Fixed bug when bot ignored player after blinding.
- Fixed a bug when a bot did not react to shooting at it through a masking net
- Raiders now attack the regular scavs
- Bots now respond to BEAR, USEC fractions with appropriate phrases
- Bots can now react to the sound of a knocked down door
- Fixed a bug when killing guards did not change the role of left alive bots
- Desync of on/off status of the flashlight
- Bug, when the items of the killed PMC character had the ”found in the raid” status for the scav character of the same PMC player, in the same session
- A series of bugs with the ability of the character to look through the walls
- A series of bugs with invisible characters after spawning
- Bug with missing display of the list of weapon presets
- Setting and removing mods now resets sight mode (to correct a bug with aiming without image in lens)
- Bug of no animation for picking objects from a third person view
- Error 228, when special characters were used to name a preset
- A bug with the blocking of further use of context voice lines, if you open the inventory during the sounding phrase
- Bug, when on the items selection window for weapon crafting in the hideout, offered parts were already installed on the weapon
- Bug, when the effect of ”painkillers” or ”stimulants” was removed earlier than the shown time
- Bug, when the inventory broke down and caused an error, if in raid you removed weapons through Del key
- Bug, when the explosion of frag grenades did not impose a contusion effect
- Bug, when the gun stopped firing in automatic mode, if you start to quickly press the fire button before holding it
- A bug, when the state of the stock fold was desynchronised , if an operation with the stock was performed during the operation with the object
- Different bugs leading to a close enemy spawn
- Bug, when the message counter increased by the number of unread messages when a new message was received after a raid
- Tooltips and UI objects hanging in the interface
- Bug when the image froze in the optics after using a thermal imaging device
- Different bugs related to the ability to move items from not fully searched vests, backpacks, etc.
- Desync of the price of quick health treatment
- Bug with duplicate of Prapors’ portrait in merchant menu
- Fixed the duplicate image effect with heat haze effect
- Bugs related to switching views to the hideout when the NVG on character is on
- Error related to quick treatment when entering the Hideout
- Bug, when the body took a static ragdoll position before touching the ground (problem with bodies hanging in the air)
- Bug when the player would not receive the group status in the lobby
- Bug when the resolution of the screen would not change after changing the screen mode
- Bug, when you could open context menu in the window of item transfer
- Error spam after suicide with a grenade, related to decal rendering
- Bug, when jump action was in actions queue, if player tried to initiate jump, while laying down
- Bug, when standing level didn’t decrease after quest fail
- Bug of cycled animation, when installing weapon modifications while reloading
- Bug, when healing wasn’t interrupted during load / unload of a magazine
- Bug of healing animation getting stuck, while installing weapon modifications via DragNDrop
- Bug of inability to unload a magazine, which was in the magazine case
- Disabling buttons of installing and uninstalling video cards to a bitcoin farm, during sending of query related to interaction with them
- Various fixes and visual improvements of interfaces
- Bug, when changes to marker on a map were not saved
- Bug, when game client was unable to close after 601 backend error for online and offline raids
- Many different fixes on locations
- Various fixes related to rain and soaking of surfaces
- Various fixes for backend, related to increase the backend and overall game stability
- Bug, when armor didn’t receive any damage from explosions of AGS and FN GL40 grenades
- Delay before pulling the trigger of SV-98
- Fixes related to delayed actions on the lobby screen when gathering a group
- Bugs with the elite level of Vitality and Attention skills
- Various fixes of minor bugs and errors
- Stims and medical items now can remove contusion effect
- Skills that require body hit to progress are not going to be progressed with your party members
- When character is blind by flashbang, he will always reload with mag drop
- Decreased damage radius of FN-GL40 grenades
- Increased armor piercing of 7.62x25mm TT ammo
- PC blocks now spawn ssd and sas drives, various big containers – various equipment – vests, backpacks etc. (in addition to existing loot)
- Big plastic containers now spawn more items in general
- Minor changes to AI scav loadouts
- Increased fall damage
- In the quest line The Tarkov shooter player now can use any bolt action rifle
- Quest to unlock trader “Jeager” is now available after accepting of “Gunsmith 1” quest. Requirements for quest “Gunsmith 1” lowered to level 2
- Reworked player spawn points at Reserve base location
- Scav players spawn at the Reserve location is made later in time
- Reduced the traders restock timer to about 2 hours (it was once every 3 hours)
20AugAdded a new woods map
User /u/jkeyes98 recommended to add this beatiful map to the woods map section. It’s clean and sweet! Hope you all find it usefull!
13Aug0.12.7.8599 Patch notes – Escape from Tarkov
● Optimizations of memory consumption.
● A bug with the grenade launcher’s load status.
● A bug with the glass shader (face shields).
● Error when purchasing items in exchange for dogtags.
● A bug when the character did not leave the location, after the reconnect at the ”train” exfil.
● Various fixes for bot behavior.
● Various bugs and problems on locations.
● Various minor bugs and problems.
● Fixed as well: A bug when the bitcoin price generation was not related to IRL price
11AugNew maps on Customs and Shoreline by monkimonkimonk
Not the shortest username but sure as hell makes great maps! I’ve changed the main map for shoreline to his version and also updated the customs map. Enjoy! And thank you /u/sK4r4 for the headsup on the update of the maps ?
3AugPatch Notes –
- A bug when scavs could attack through vehicles
- A bug when skill levelling by continuously repeated actions, fatigue was not multiplying as intended
- A bug with damage caused by grenade explosions through walls and ceilings
- Displaying the price “999 999 999” when the product ran out of stock at the flea market
- A bug with the sprint and overweight would level “strength” skill slower than it should
- A bug when AI couldn’t hit leaning player
- A bug when all AI in the area would rush and storm player’s position
- A bug when AI would stop reloading his gun using ammo in his inventory
- Error “Can’t enable ArmsAnimatorCommon. ArmsUpdateMode:Manual “
- Error “NullReferenceException EFT.UI.DragAndDrop.TradingItemView.SetPrepareBorder”
- Various issues in Sanitar boss and his guards behaviour
- Other various errors and issues
30JulNew customs map
u/monkimonkimonk has created a brilliant map for the new customs expansion. Even though the old maps had some more info, they were out of date in many ways so I decided to remove them.
29JulAdded a temporary map for Customs 12.7
u/euroPinoTV has done a very nice job providing the EFT community with a temporary map to at least illustrate the new area and how to enter it, sniper zone and main building.
Also removed some of the old youtube links and added NoiceGuys new guide for customs. Enjoy!
27JulAmmo ballistics updated for 12.7
Thanx to the awesome work from the wiki people, I’ve updated the ammo ballistics with up-to-date information.
Still waiting for some new updated maps. Hopefully they will come up tomorrow
27Jul12.7 is out! Update to ammo and customs maps are coming soon
The ammo chart is not up to date nor are the customs maps. I will update them ASAP
22JulAdded Reserve underground map
Discord user Drone#1933 has created a very helpful underground map for Reserve. If you are like me and still get lost in that maze, then help yourself with this map over at the map page 🙂
15JulEscape from Tarkov 0.12.7 patch notes
Finally! The patchnotes for EFT 12.7 are out! A lot of new good stuff and changes are coming ahead! A brand new Customs is one of them!
• Customs expansion (expansion of industrial area, construction site, added many new explorable buildings, stationary weapons, new location for Reshala spawn etc.)
• Added new scav boss – Sanitar.
A former doctor, he worked in the health resort ”Lazurny bereg”, and before that in the TerraGroup laboratory. After the events that happened in Tarkov, he gathered a gang with former colleagues and operates on the ”Shoreline”. Actively uses professional skills in combat, quickly healing himself and the gang members. He uses various stimulants and medications, including those of his own production. He can quickly perform surgery by pulling out a bullet or applying a tourniquet on the field. Sometimes he is loyal to the Scavs and can leave a couple of first-aid kits or other medical supplies for his own group members on location
• New quests on Shoreline
• System for reporting suspicious players, unacceptable nicknames and game bugs abusers (on the post-match screen)
Improved AI behavior:
• Bots can pick up items now
• Improved AI behavior when they see bodies
• Bots now can pick up a second firearm from bodies
• AI now can greet each other or player scavs, showing their peaceful intentions
• Bots will eat\drink while in peaceful mode
• AI will perform a mag check when in peaceful mode
• Bots can check someone for friend or foe by aiming at him for some time, if they’re not sure of one’s intentions
• Bots will sprint while patrolling if they consider the spot being dangerous
• AI will be able to storm the player as a group, if he’s holding position and attacking them
• AI will try to avoid dangerous places
New weapons:
• FN GL40 Grenade launcher
• Mossberg 590A1 Shotgun
New ammo:
• .366 AP-M
• .45 ACP Hydr-Shock
• 9×19 mm QuakeMaker
• 9×19 mm 7N31
• .45 ACP Lasermatch FMJ
• .45 ACP AP
• 7.62×51 mm M993
• 40×46 мм M381 HE
• 40×46 мм M386 HE
• 40×46 мм M406 HE
• 40×46 мм M433 HEDP
• 40×46 мм M441 HE
• 40×46 мм M576 buckshot
Added new stimulants:
• 3-(b-TG)
• L1 (Noradrenaline)
• P22 (Specimen 22)
• AHF1-M
• Meldonin
• ”Obdolbos” cocktail
• M.U.L.E
• Added an additional icon for the network connection status in case of high packet loss
• In the container slots window, the container tag is now displayed in the header
Iteration of improving and reworking the skill system:
New skill ”Surgery”
• Reduces HP penalty for surgery
• Improved surgery speed
• (Elite) No HP penalty for the restored body part
• (Elite) Maximum increase in the speed of surgery
New skill ”Aim drills”
• Increase of the aiming speed
• Decrease the volume of aiming
• (Elite) No hand shaking at any stamina value, first 2 seconds after aiming
• (Elite) Reduced hands shaking during tremor and fracture, the first 2 seconds after aiming
Rework of the “Strength” skill
• Increase all weight limits
• Increase the speed of the sprint
• Increase the jump height
• Increase the strength of the grenade throw
• Increase the strength of a melee attack
• (Elite) The weight does not take into account the weapons on the sling and on the back
• (Elite) Melee attack can be stronger than usual
Rework of the ”Endurance” skill
• Increased feet stamina
• Reduced stamina consumption for jumping
• Increased holding breath time when ads
• Increased the speed of breath recovery
• (Elite) Maximum increase in breathing recovery rate
• (Elite) Breathing is no longer dependent on energy
• (Elite) Increased stamina reserve
Various fixes in old skills
• Added 5 HP to the health of “Chest” zone (from 80 to 85)
• Optimized the rendering of decals
• Fixed freezes that happened when the sound of thunder or the sound of grenades exploding was played
• Optimized the performance of the game server
• Fixed an issue with killing the boss of a group of raiders who appeared on the scene after interacting with the trigger was leading to errors on the server
• Minor optimizations on the first shot or hit
• Optimization of hideout sounds
• Fixes of errors that could potentially lead to different freezes
• Iteration of fixes and corrections in UI
• Bug with the PostFX menu that remains on the screen after closing the settings
• Bug playing the sound of contusion if the sound is turned off in the settings
• Bug of jerky animation of shooting weapons in the Hideout shooting range
• The passage of raiders on the laboratory through the doors
• A bug that allowed you to quickly move when constantly tapping the ”Run” button when overweight
• AS VAL with the handle adapter ”Rotor 43” is now impossible to fold
• Inability to exit the location via the paid exit “Car”, if you reconnect at the start of the exfil timer
• Bug with throwing away the magazine when reloading the weapon via the context menu
• Error 228 when receiving items from an expired email
• Formulas for calculating prices for items with its resource and its commissions
• After the reconnect, the equipment that was not searched become searched
• The sound of the visor on/off remained at one point, and does not follow the character
• Bug that wouldn’t block buttons on the bottom panel after reconnecting as a Scav
• Interface block if you go to the “Map” screen without a map
• Bug when the ”Receive all” button opened only the first and last message with items
• Various bugs with switching the sound from “outdoor ” to ”indoor”, and back, when reconnecting
• Bug of not blocking an item after it was added to the merchant’s sales table
• Cartridges from packs of cartridges found in raid now have the status ” found in the raid”
• Error when studying items from the scav box
• Fixes in the flea Market
• The search will be updated if you delete and add an item to the wish list
• Loss of a player’s nickname and rating from the offer line after applying filters
• The “search by item” option now resets the selected filters
• Bug displaying the loading spinner on top of the list of offers
• The mount without the “Found in raid” label ceased to be semitransparent (blocked) in the selection of the item for the offer, if you put and remove the mod on it
• Bug when the merchant’s avatar was flattened
• Incorrect tag behavior on marked items for a flea market offer if you select multiple items from the container, closing and opening the container
• Horizontal scrollbar on the product sales screen
• Bug when the player couldn’t put 2 identical weapons on the flea market if one of them was included in the starter kit for pre-order
• Error 1508 – You send bad items- when putting an empty pack of cartridges on a flea Market
• Bug, when for buying through a flea market goods from npc merchants needed items found in raid
Fixed in weapon presets
• Displaying the indicator “you have mods to build” when there are no mods for the build in the stash
• Bug when the build could have been built with the wrong mod that was not in the preset
• Weapon disassembly bug if you build the same preset twice with the same weapon
• Ability to select items that are blocked for purchase, via the presets by clicking the button “Select all”
• Packs of items are no longer displayed in the purchase lists of preset mods
• The purchase lists of presets no longer display items the player’s own offers
• Added an error about lack of space when purchasing preset mods
• Bug when opening presets through the lower panel that caused the game client to freeze
Fixed in the hideout
• Various fixes in the bitcoin farm
• White authorization screen if you improve the pre-order version while in the hideout
• Bug when it was possible to install a filter with zero resource in the “Water collector” and it could not be uninstalled
• Calculation of fuel consumption time in the “Generator ” zone
• Bug duplicating the canister icon, when selecting a canister, in the “Generator” zone
• Various bugs in group chat
• Bugs with the discharge of weapons in the stash
• Incorrect position of the fire mod pin and the turn of the barrel of the PPSH
• Visual bug for displaying a zero bonus in the base level zones in the Hideout
• Visual bug with the availability of time selection before the raid on the Laboratory screen
• A bug where the player could spawn outside the location
• Spamming error NullReferenceException: MuzzleManager
• An error that occurs every time after treatment or getting a fracture
• ”Failed to create device file” error that occurs during client downtime
• Errors when assigning voice commands
• Spamming error when a large number of bots are active in the offline mode
• Various errors while loading in raid
• Various bugs and issues with Customs location
• Various bugs and improvements related to AI
• Fixed a bug when bots didn’t follow a grenade throw with a voiceline
• Fixed a handful of bugs related to bots getting stuck
• Fixed a bug where a Gluhar would not react to a killed in the head ally
• Fixed a bug when bots tried to heal a blacked out body part
• Bots are now able to treat debuffs on blacked out body parts again
• Fixed a handful of bugs with bots knocking out doors
• Other AI related bug fixes and improvements
• Various localization fixes and improvements
• Other minor bugs and issues
• Now it is possible to examine items from the construction requirements screen in the Hideout
• Added displaying the time before the bleeding effect disappears in the stash
• Now if you are not matched to the raid within 45 minutes, the search will be canceled
• Updated SV-98 animation, hold, new animations when entering and exiting a sprint, new hold in the menu and on the loading screen
• Updated PPSH animation, hold, and new animations when entering and exiting a sprint
11JulAmmo velocity added to Ammo page
There’s a huge difference in velocity on all ammo types. At first, most of us goes for the most damage and penetration, but we often forget the importance of the bullet speed, which affects the drop and so forth. Hopefully, this will help you out even more when choosing the right type of ammo!
9JulGame tweaks on the latest patch
– Scavs will no longer have VOG grenades. They were sniping players without having a chance to avoid them.
– Increase spawn chance of bosses
– Killa’s 6B13 M armor now will spawn with 100% chance (as it was)
– upped 12/70 and 20/70 ammo (ammo page is up to date with these changes)
8JulQuest items up to date
Wow, I sure was missing some items from the Quest items page. Sorry about that! It’s now safe to use it as a reference as it is up to date.
The page has now an updated stamp so you can see what date it was last updated. Also, if you find something that’s wrong. Please let me know!
5JulRaid. Episode 4 is out!
If you haven’t checked out the youtube movies that BSG have done for the game, you really really should! Episode 4 is now out, but make sure to watch the first three if you’ve missed them!
5JulAmmo ballistics update
BSG keeps modifying ammo and we have to keep up! A lot of changes have been made. Some slight ones and some bigger ones. The bigger updates were done at once on the page but the latest patches have had some silent changes to ammo that now should be updated 🙂
30JunReserve got a hot new update!
I’ve wandered around the tunnels of Reserve in search for some sweet loot and really being a safe way up to the dome and extraction. I never liked the hermetic door nor the train. Now Reserve is connected underground with the main buildings and it’s brilliant! New extraction and a LOT of firefight.
Maybe it’s time to stick to the outdoors now 🙂
Do you know of an updated map? please let me know so I can add it to the maps page
29JunStacking backpacks now prohibited on your character
BSG keeps on working towards a better solution to fight off Real Money Transfers and cheating. This time they are hitting on the stacking of bags on a character.
Their official tweet:
The change affects the bigger backpacks that had more inventory slots than they took up, like beta2. The smaller backpacks, berkut and below are still able to stack in character.
Do you have stacked backpacks on your character? this reddit post by saviorx32s might help you out then
25JunGunsmith Part 4: M4A1 a cheaper alternative
Reddit user UltraeVires has posted a much cheaper alternative than the one found on the official Wiki.
You can find his post here or just read below:
Most people are using the Wiki to complete these quests:
The Magpul M-LOK and the Hogue pistol grip cannot be bought at Traders, so are each at an extortionate ₽60,000+ on the Flea Market at time of posting (currently there aren’t any Hogue’s left at all).
I played around with the attachments and came across a cheaper alternative, saving +₽60,000:
- Magpul MOE AR-15 Pistol Grip – the two colour options are going for around ₽20,000 on Flea
- Magpul M-LOK 4.1 inch guide – Mechanic LL2, ₽1,600
- Attach the above to any foregrip with +6 ergonomics or higher, I used;
Zenit RK-5 – Skier LL3 or ₽10,000 on Flea
(I haven’t tried: KAC vertical pistol grip / Tango Down stubby)
This leaves the build short by +2 ergo, so I replaced the stock charge handle:
- Raptor Charging Handle for AR-15 – Skier LL3 or ₽20,000 on Flea
– or – - Geissele ACH charging handle for AR-15 – ₽10,000 on Flea (few get listed)

This can save you at least ₽60k at the current Flea prices. Be sure to thank me by chucking my gear in a bush.
24Jun.366 ammo changes
.366 ammo has gotten a small buff, giving all three sorts more damage and EKO and FMJ getting more armor dmg as well. Check it out at the ammo page
22JunPatch 12.6.7 updated ammo stats for 5.56
As always, Battlestate enjoys changing stuff without telling us. And it’s actually a good thing. I enjoy finding out changes as they come and not on a generic patch notes list. There’s been some changes to hideout crafting as well and sadly a barter that we all loved has been removed. Two hotrods for a stack of BS ammo.
20JunFirst look at Customs expansion in Escape From Tarkov
Battlestate games has released a few images from the customs expansion. They posted them on reddit and they really do look juicy!
15JunAdded recommended videos for all maps
There is a lot of great content out there for Escape from Tarkov, specially when it comes to loot and guides for maps. I’ve gathered some recommended videos for each of the maps, giving you stash locations, walk-throughs and much more.
If you think that I’ve missed a specific great video for a specific map or perhaps have suggestions for content? Let me know!
14JunTarkov Stream Drops are live!
Find someone new to follow on Twitch or just go in it for the sweet sweet loot! Either way, BFT has enabled great Drops from 11th of june until 22th!
You need to link your twitch account to your Tarkov Profile (link to an image of the profile page) and just watch a stream!
Not all the streams will give you drops though. Here’s the official list. Just choose the day and pick one of the many streamers that have drops enabled that day.
Patch is out and live! Some QoL changes but most of all, my favorite ”Sound of movement while crouched and on minimal speed is now more quiet”!
You can read the entire patch notes here
14JunTarkov-Helper news
I’m very glad that people are finding their way to Tarkov-Helper and using it more and more. I’m taking it a step forward and adding a news section to the page. Patch notes, new features and such will be posted here as soon as I possibly can 🙂
What is Tarkov-Helper?
I made this little webapp to help myself out with the maps and ammo choice. I would love to get any request on features or changes to the ones that exist
A huge credit to the official wiki of course! All the information and icons are taken from their site. This is just a compilation for easy access when playing the game.
At the moment you can find the following features:
All Tarkov Maps
You can find maps on Woods, Customs, Reserve, Interchange and Factory. I will be adding more map information later on. Just use the menu above!
Important keys
The most important keys for each map. Know what to keep and know what you have to bring along! :) Each key has a link to the official wiki for more information.
Ammunition information
Do you want to know the odds of penetrating class armor with a specific bullet? You got it right here! Check out the ammo page to find out what kind of ammo you need to kill those pesky PMCs
Want to buy a sight or scope and don't know how it will look? Look no further! You can view them here!
Here you can find the perfect Armor or Armored Rig for you! Sort and filter on armor class, body parts it covers or if they are armored rigs or not
Night Vision Devices
Afraid of the dark? Then spend your rubels on some sweet night vision goggles! Head over to the Night Vision Devices section and find out how it looks like!